Source code for usf.level

# copyright 2008-2011 Gabriel Pettier <>              #
#                                                                              #
# This file is part of UltimateSmashFriends                                    #
#                                                                              #
# UltimateSmashFriends is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by         #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or            #
# (at your option) any later version.                                          #
#                                                                              #
# UltimateSmashFriends is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License            #
# along with UltimateSmashFriends.  If not, see <>.#

Levels implementation, levels are constituted of different parts
graphics: background, middle and foreground, plus decorum elements
architecture: blocs, moving blocs, bounching blocs


import os
import sys
import pygame
import logging
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from usf import skin
from usf.debug_utils import draw_rect
from usf.memoize import memoize
from usf.particles import ParticlesGenerator
from usf import loaders
from usf import CONFIG

[docs]class Decorum(object): """ A simple class to represent decorum in levels. A decorum is an element displayed, but non interractive, as opposed to a block, it can be at any depth between background and camera, and will be diplayed with the appropriate zoom at the appromirate moment. It can be animated, by containing several frames, and move, by providing dx and dy update functions. which can use time and random. frames are (image, time) couples, time being the END of the display of the corresponding image (and thus, begin display of the next), image is the path to the image, relative to the data directory. depth is [-1, 1[, 0 meaning the place of the level, a negative value mean behind the level and a positive, before. """ def __init__(self, frames, coords, depth, update_fctn): self.frames = frames self.coords = coords self.depth = depth self.update_fctn = update_fctn self.duration = max(map(lambda x: x[1], frames)) self.texture = self.frames[0][0]
[docs] def update(self, gametime): ''' Update position and texture ''' self.texture = filter( lambda x: x[1] > gametime % self.duration, self.frames)[0][0] self.coords = self.update_fctn(self.coords, gametime)
[docs] def draw(self, surface, coords, zoom): ''' Render the Decorum to a surface ''' real_coords = (int(self.coords[0] * zoom) + coords[0], int(self.coords[1] * zoom) + coords[1]) surface.blit( loaders.image('data/'+self.texture, zoom=zoom)[0], real_coords)
def __cmp__(self, other): ''' sort decorums by order of depth ''' return cmp(self.depth, other.depth)
[docs]class Block (object): """ An abstraction class to define methods shared by some level objects. """ def __init__(self, position, texture, levelname, texture_fg): """ Not much to do here. """ self.position = position try: self.texture = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, "levels", levelname, texture) loaders.image(self.texture) except pygame.error: logging.debug("No texture found here: " + self.texture) try: self.texture = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, "levels", "common", texture) except pygame.error: logging.error("Can't load the texture: " + texture) if texture_fg: try: self.texture_fg = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, "levels", levelname, texture_fg) loaders.image(self.texture_fg) except pygame.error: logging.debug("No texture found here: " + self.texture_fg) try: self.texture = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, "levels", "common", texture_fg) except pygame.error: logging.error("Can't load the texture: " + texture_fg) else: self.texture_fg = None self.collide_rects = []
[docs] def draw(self, surface, coords=(0, 0), zoom=1): """ Draw this moving bloc on the passed surface, taking account of zoom and placement of camera. """ real_coords = (int(self.position[0] * zoom) + coords[0], int(self.position[1] * zoom) + coords[1]) surface.blit(loaders.image(self.texture, zoom=zoom)[0], real_coords)
[docs] def draw_after(self, surface, coords=(0, 0), zoom=1): """ Draw this moving bloc foreground on the passed surface, taking account of zoom and placement of camera, if there is one. """ if self.texture_fg: real_coords = (int(self.position[0] * zoom) + coords[0], int(self.position[1] * zoom) + coords[1]) surface.blit(loaders.image(self.texture_fg, zoom=zoom)[0], real_coords)
[docs] def collide_rect(self, rect): """ Return True if the point at (x, y) collide this bloc's rects. """ return rect.collidelist(self.collide_rects) != -1
[docs]class VectorBloc (Block): """ This define a bloc that apply a vector to any entity falling/walking on it. """ def __init__(self, rects, vector, relative, *args, **kwargs): super(VectorBloc, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rects = rects self.relative = relative self.vector = vector self.collide_rects = [] for i in self.rects: self.collide_rects.append( pygame.Rect( i[0]+self.position[0], i[1]+self.position[1], i[2], i[3]))
[docs] def apply_vector(self, entity): """ This method simply add the bloc's vector to the passed player. """ entity.vector = [entity.vector[0] + self.vector[0], entity.vector[1] + self.vector[1]]
[docs] def collide_rect(self, rect): """ return True if the rect collide with our bloc """ return Block.collide_rect(self, rect)
[docs]class MovingPart(Block): """ This define a level bloc that move, with a defined texture, and a defined set of collision rects. It moves following a pattern of (position(x, y): time( % maxtime)). """ def __init__(self, rects, patterns, *args, **kwargs): super(MovingPart, self).__init__(patterns[0]['position'], *args, **kwargs) self.rects = rects self.patterns = patterns self.old_position = None
[docs] def get_movement(self): """ Return the movement between the position at the precedent frame, and now, usefull to communicate this movement to another entity. """ return (self.position[0] - self.old_position[0], self.position[1] - self.old_position[1])
[docs] def update(self, level_time): """ Update the position of the moving bloc, based on time since the bigining of the game, calculating the percentage of time we are between two positions. And update the coords of colliding rects. """ # [:] is necessary to get values, instead of copying the object # reference. self.old_position = self.position[:] # get the precedant position of pattern we got by. last = ( self.patterns[-1:]+ filter( lambda(x): x['time'] <= level_time * 10000 % self.patterns[-1]['time'], self.patterns))[-1] # get the next position of pattern we will get by. # FIXME: maybe avoid filtering all, maybe using an itertool? next_place = filter( lambda(x): x['time'] >= level_time * 10000 % self.patterns[-1]['time'], self.patterns)[0] # get the proportion of travel between last and next we should have # done. percent_bettween = ( level_time * 10000 % self.patterns[-1]['time'] - last['time']) /( next_place['time'] - last['time']) self.position[0] = ( int(last['position'][0] * (1 - percent_bettween) + next_place['position'][0] * (percent_bettween))) self.position[1] = ( int(last['position'][1] * (1 - percent_bettween) +next_place['position'][1] * (percent_bettween))) # maybe usefull to cache thoose result too. self.collide_rects = map( lambda(rect): pygame.Rect( rect[0]+self.position[0], rect[1]+self.position[1], rect[2], rect[3]), self.rects)
[docs] def backup(self): """ return old and current position, to restore later """ return (self.old_position, self.position)
[docs] def restore(self, backup): ''' restore backed up positions ''' self.old_position, self.position = backup
[docs]def get_xml(levelname): ''' return xml tree of the level ''' return ElementTree.ElementTree( None, os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, 'levels', levelname, 'level.xml'))
[docs]class Level(object): """ This object contain information about the world within the characters move, it contains the textures of background, stage and foreground, the coords of collision rects, the size of the leve;t. """ def __init__(self, levelname='baselevel', server=False): """ This constructor is currently using two initialisation method, the old, based on a map file, and the new based on an xml file. """ self.size = (CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT) xml = get_xml(levelname) attribs = xml.getroot().attrib = attribs['name'] self.levelname = levelname self.background = '' self.level = '' self.foreground = '' self.layers = [] self.entrypoints = [] self.water_blocs = [] self.decorums = [] self.vector_blocs = [] = [] self.moving_blocs = [] self.border = [] self.rect = [] self.particles_generators = [] = [] self.load_images(attribs, levelname) self.load_borders(attribs) self.load_entrypoints(xml) self.load_layers(xml) self.load_blocs(xml) self.load_moving_blocs(xml, server, levelname) self.load_particle_generators(xml) self.load_water_blocs(xml, server) self.load_vector_blocs(xml, server, levelname) self.load_decorums(xml) self.load_events(levelname, xml)
[docs] def load_events(self, name, xml): for event in xml.findall('event'): event.attrib['action'], (None, None), {})) for p in event.attrib: try:[-1][2][p] = int(event.attrib[p]) except ValueError: try:[-1][2][p] = [int(x) for x in event.attrib[p].split(',')] except ValueError:[-1][2][p] = event.attrib[p]
[docs] def get_events(self): sys.path.append(os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, 'levels', self.levelname)) try: import level_events except ImportError: raise StopIteration() sys.path.pop() for e in yield e[0], e[1], e[2]
[docs] def load_particle_generators(self, xml): for generator in xml.findall('particle-generator'): g = ParticlesGenerator(generator.attrib) self.particles_generators.append(g)
[docs] def load_images(self, attribs, levelname): ''' create image paths from indications in xml, don't actually load images, as they will be loaded as needed by loaders.image ''' self.background = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, 'levels', levelname, attribs['background']) self.level = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, 'levels', levelname, attribs['middle']) if 'foreground' in attribs: self.foreground = os.path.join( CONFIG.system_path, 'levels', levelname, attribs['foreground']) else: self.foreground = False
[docs] def load_borders(self, attribs): ''' calculate actual size of the level, with level image size and borders ''' #FIXME: should not depend on the initialisation of pygame self.rect = loaders.image(self.level)[1] if 'margins' in attribs: margins = [int(i) for i in attribs['margins'].split(',')] self.border = pygame.Rect( self.rect[0] - margins[0], self.rect[1] - margins[1], self.rect[2] + margins[0] + margins[2], self.rect[3] + margins[1] + margins[3]) else: self.border = pygame.Rect(self.rect).inflate( self.rect[2]/2, self.rect[3]/2)
[docs] def load_entrypoints(self, xml): ''' set entry points to the level, from xml, create some if there are none (and log that, there should be some) ''' self.entrypoints = [] for point in xml.findall('entry-point'): coords = point.attrib['coords'].split(' ') self.entrypoints.append([int(coords[0]), int(coords[1])]) if not self.entrypoints:'no entry point defined for this level') for x_coord in xrange(1, 5): self.entrypoints.append( [int(x_coord * self.rect[2]/5), self.rect[3]/5])
[docs] def load_layers(self, xml): ''' load and instanciate layers if any defined in xml ''' for layer in xml.findall('layer'): self.layers.append(skin.Layer(layer))
[docs] def load_blocs(self, xml): ''' load and instanciate basic blocs defined in the xml ''' = [] for block in xml.findall('block'): nums = block.attrib['coords'].split(' ') nums = [int(i) for i in nums]
[docs] def load_moving_blocs(self, xml, server, levelname): ''' load and instanciate moving blocs defined in xml ''' for block in xml.findall('moving-block'): texture = block.attrib['texture'] texture_fg = ( block.attrib['texture_fg'] if 'texture_fg' in block.attrib else None) rects = [] for rect in block.findall('rect'): rects.append( pygame.Rect([ int(i) for i in rect.attrib['coords'].split(' ')])) patterns = [] for pattern in block.findall('pattern'): patterns.append({ 'time': int(pattern.attrib['time']), 'position': [int(i) for i in pattern.attrib['position'].split(' ')]}) self.moving_blocs.append( MovingPart( rects, patterns, texture, levelname, texture_fg))
[docs] def load_water_blocs(self, xml, server=False): ''' #XXX used anywhere? ''' for block in xml.findall('water'): nums = block.attrib['coords'].split(' ') nums = [int(i) for i in nums] self.water_blocs.append(pygame.Rect(nums))
[docs] def load_vector_blocs(self, xml, server, levelname): ''' load vector blocs defined in xml ''' for block in xml.findall('vector-block'): texture = block.attrib['texture'] position = [int(i) for i in block.attrib['position'].split(' ')] texture_fg = ( block.attrib['texture_fg'] if 'texture_fg' in block.attrib else None) vector = [int(i) for i in block.attrib['vector'].split(' ')] relative = int(block.attrib['relative']) and True or False rects = [] for rect in block.findall('rect'): rects.append( pygame.Rect( [int(i) for i in rect.attrib['coords'].split(' ')])) self.vector_blocs.append( VectorBloc( rects, vector, relative, position, texture, levelname, texture_fg))
[docs] def load_decorums(self, xml): ''' load decorums defined in xml ''' for decorum in xml.findall('decorum'): frames = list() for frame in decorum.findall('frame'): frames.append((frame.attrib['image'], float(frame.attrib['time']))) coords = [int(x) for x in decorum.attrib['coords'].split(',')] depth = float(decorum.attrib['depth']) update_fctn = eval(decorum.attrib['update']) self.decorums.append(Decorum(frames, coords, depth, update_fctn)) self.decorums.sort()
[docs] def draw_before_players(self, surface, level_place, zoom, shapes=False): ''' draw everything that need to be drawed before players ''' self.draw_background(surface, level_place, zoom) self.draw_level(surface, level_place, zoom, shapes) for block in self.moving_blocs + self.vector_blocs: block.draw(surface, level_place, zoom)
[docs] def draw_after_players(self, surface, level_place, zoom, levelmap=False): ''' draw everything that need to be drawn after players ''' self.draw_foreground(surface, level_place, zoom) if levelmap or loaders.get_gconfig().get("game", "minimap") == "y": self.draw_minimap(surface) for block in self.moving_blocs + self.vector_blocs: block.draw_after(surface, level_place, zoom) for generator in self.particles_generators: generator.draw(surface, level_place, zoom)
[docs] def draw_minimap(self, surface): ''' draw minimap in the upper/right corner of the screen, showing blocs ''' for rect in draw_rect( surface, pygame.Rect( rect[0] / 8, rect[1] / 8, rect[2] / 8, rect[3] / 8), pygame.Color('grey'))
[docs] def draw_debug_map(self, surface, level_place, zoom): ''' draw the map before the level, to show the real level shape ''' draw_rect( surface, pygame.Rect( level_place[0] + self.border[0] * zoom, level_place[1] + self.border[1] * zoom, self.border[2] * zoom, self.border[3] * zoom), pygame.Color('white')) draw_rect( surface, pygame.Rect( level_place[0], level_place[1], self.rect[2] * zoom, self.rect[3] * zoom), pygame.Color('lightblue')) for rect in draw_rect( surface, pygame.Rect( int(level_place[0] + (rect[0]) * zoom), int(level_place[1] + (rect[1]) * zoom), int(rect[2] * zoom), int(rect[3] * zoom)), pygame.Color('green')) for rect in self.entrypoints: draw_rect( surface, pygame.Rect( int(level_place[0] + (rect[0]) * zoom), int(level_place[1] + (rect[1]) * zoom), 20, 20), pygame.Color('blue'))
[docs] def draw_background(self, surface, coords=(0, 0), zoom=1): ''' Draw the background image of the level on the surface ''' surface.blit(loaders.image(self.background, scale=self.size)[0], (0, 0)) for layer in self.layers: surface.blit(layer.get_image(), layer.get_pos()) for decorum in self.decorums: if decorum.depth < 0: decorum.draw(surface, coords, zoom)
[docs] def draw_level(self, surface, coords, zoom, shapes=False): ''' draw the center part of the level ''' surface.blit(loaders.image(self.level, zoom=zoom)[0], coords) if shapes: self.draw_debug_map(surface, coords, zoom)
[docs] def draw_foreground(self, surface, coords, zoom): ''' draw the decorations of the level that are before the player ''' if self.foreground: surface.blit( loaders.image(self.foreground, zoom=zoom)[0], coords) for d in self.decorums: if d.depth >= 0: d.draw(surface, coords, zoom)
[docs] def backup(self): ''' return a backup of the level state, that mean backup of moving blocs, because it's the only thing that change ''' return (b.backup() for b in self.moving_blocs)
[docs] def restore(self, backup): ''' restore game state from a backup ''' for bloc, back in zip(self.moving_blocs, backup): bloc.restore(back)
[docs] def update(self, time, deltatime): ''' Update moving blocs and decorums ''' for block in self.moving_blocs: block.update(time) for decorum in self.decorums: decorum.update(time) for generator in self.particles_generators: generator.update(deltatime)
[docs] def collide_rect(self, (x, y), (h, w)=(1, 1)): """ This fonction returns True if the rect at coords (x, y) collides one of the rects of the level, including the moving blocks and vector blocks. #XXX: any decent optimisation of this welcomed """ r = pygame.Rect((x, y), (h, w)) if r.collidelist( != -1: return True else: for i in self.vector_blocs + self.moving_blocs: if r.collidelist(i.collide_rects) != -1: return True return False