Source code for usf.timed_event

# copyright 2008-2011 Gabriel Pettier <>              #
#                                                                              #
# This file is part of ultimate-smash-friends                                  #
#                                                                              #
# ultimate-smash-friends is free software: you can redistribute it and/or      #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your   #
# option) any later version.                                                   #
#                                                                              #
# ultimate-smash-friends is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but#
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or#
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                                #
#                                                                              #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with #
# ultimate-smash-friends.  If not, see <>.         #
This module allow to create timed and condition based events, to create
complexe effects and behaviours in the game.


import random
import math
import logging

from usf import CONFIG

[docs]class TimedEvent (object): """ An event allow to define a function to be executed later and/or during a certain period of time. """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): """ Action must be a callable, it will be called every frames in the period. Condition must be a callable, when it return false the event will die. Period must be a period of time defined as a tupple of value, if the first value is None, then it will replaced by current time and if the second is None, the event will happen until dying. """ self.params = params self.period = period[0], period[1] or None self.done = False self.event_manager = manager
[docs] def update(self, deltatime, gametime): """ This method make the event up to date, by executing the various functions of the event. """ if self.period[1] is not None and gametime > self.period[1]: self.done = True elif gametime > self.period[0]: if not self.condition(): self.done = True else: self.execute(deltatime)
[docs] def backup(self): """ This method return the state of the event in a dict, to restore latter """ backup = {} for k in self.__dict__: backup[k] = self.__dict__[k] return backup
[docs] def restore(self, backup): """ This method restore the event in a previous state from a backup() """ self.__dict__.update(backup)
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): """ This method must be overriden, it will be called every frame by the event. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def condition(self): """ This method must be overriden, it will be called every frame by the event, to verify if the event must continue. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete(self): """ you can override this one if you want special behaviour """ pass
[docs] def del_(self): """ please don't override this method if you want a special behaviour, override "delete" method instead. """ + ' event deleted') self.delete()
[docs]class HealEvent(TimedEvent): """ Event used to timely drop a player's percentage to zero. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): # at this rate it should take 5 seconds to go from 100% to 0% self.params['player'].add_percents(-deltatime*2)
[docs] def condition(self): return self.params['player'].percents > 0
[docs]class ShieldUpdateEvent(TimedEvent): """ This event, launched for one character, update the energy of it's shield at every loop, depending on if it's on or off. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): if self.params['player'].shield['on']: self.params['player'].shield['power'] -= deltatime/10 elif self.params['player'].shield['power'] < 1: self.params['player'].shield['power'] += deltatime/10 if self.params['player'].shield['power'] <= 0: self.params['player'].shield['on'] = False
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class DelItemEvent(TimedEvent): """ Event used to timely delete an item, because it was used, or because it got a timeout. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): pass
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs] def delete(self): if self.params is not None and 'entity' in self.params: target = self.params['entity'] else: try: target = except AttributeError: logging.error( 'DelItemEvent no entity in params, and no!!!') target.set_lives(0)
[docs]class BombExplode(TimedEvent): """ This Event timely trigger the bomb explostion. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.params['entity'].set_gravity(False) self.params['entity'].entity_skin.change_animation( 'explode', self.params['world']) self.done = True
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class DropRandomItem(TimedEvent): """ Add a random item in game. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): try: self.params['world'].add_item( random.sample(['heal', 'bomb'], 1)[0], place=(random.random()*SIZE[0], 50)) self.done = True except: raise
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class ItemShower(TimedEvent): """ Add periodicaly an item into game. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): if 'freq' in self.params: freq = self.params['freq'] else: freq = 2 try: self.elapsed += deltatime except AttributeError: self.elapsed = deltatime if self.elapsed >= freq: try: self.params['world'].add_item( random.sample( [ 'heal', 'invincibility', 'trunk', 'bomb', ], 1)[0], place=(random.random()*SIZE[0], 50)) self.elapsed -= freq except: raise
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class ThrowBomb(TimedEvent): """ Launch a bomb in front of the player. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.done = True self.params['world'].add_item( 'bomb', place=(self.params['entity'].rect[0:2]), reverse=self.params['entity'].reversed, vector=[1000, -1000])
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class ThrowFireBall(TimedEvent): """ Launch a fireball in front of the player. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.done = True entity = self.params['entity'] place = list([0:2]) place[0] += -100 if entity.reversed else entity.rect[2] #place[1] -= entity.rect[3]/3 self.params['world'].add_item( 'fireball', place=place, reverse=entity.reversed, upgraded=entity.upgraded, bullet=True)
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class Gost(TimedEvent): """ Chasing 'AI' for a little chasing gost. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.target_player = None for pla in ( player for player in self.params['world'].players if player is not self.params['entity']): if (self.target_player is None or self.params['entity'].dist(pla) < self.target_player.dist(self.params['entity'])): self.target_player = pla self.params['entity'].set_vector([ ([0] - self.params['entity'].place[0]) * 3, ([1] - self.params['entity'].place[1]) * 3])
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class ThrowMiniGost(TimedEvent): """ Insert a little chasing gost in game. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.done = True self.params['world'].add_item( 'mini_gost', place=(self.params['entity'].rect[0:2]), vector=[1000, 50])
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class LaunchBullet(TimedEvent): """ Launch a fireball in front of the player. """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.done = True entity = self.params['entity'] place =[0:2] place[0] += entity.reversed and -entity.rect[2] or entity.rect[2] place[1] += entity.rect[3]/2 self.params['world'].add_item( 'bullet', place=place, reverse=entity.reversed, upgraded=entity.upgraded, bullet=True)
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class InvinciblePlayer(TimedEvent): """ The target player is invincible and half invisible during this event. """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): # if we find another invincibility event on the same player we # just extend it's time to our limit and we are done. super(InvinciblePlayer, self).__init__(manager, period, params) invincibilities = list( self.event_manager.get_events(cls=InvinciblePlayer, params={'player': self.params['player']})) if len(invincibilities) != 0: invincibilities[0].period = self.period self.done = True else: self.params['player'].set_invincible(True)
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.params['player'].set_invincible(True) self.params['player'].set_lighten(not self.params['player'].lighten)
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs] def delete(self): self.params['player'].set_lighten(False) self.params['player'].set_invincible(False)
[docs]class VectorEvent(TimedEvent): """ This event is used to assign time-based vector (accelerations) to a player. Used by animations. """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): #logging.debug("vector Event created "+ str(self.period)) super(VectorEvent, self).__init__(manager, period, params)
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): pass
[docs] def condition(self): """ Return false so the addition is only performed once. """ return (self.params['entity'].entity_skin.current_animation in (self.params['anim_name'], self.params['anim_name']+'_upgraded'))
[docs] def delete(self): """ Add the vector to the player vector. """ #logging.debug("vector Event applied") if self.condition(): self.params['entity'].set_vector([ self.params['vector'][0], -self.params['vector'][1]])
[docs]class UpgradePlayer(TimedEvent): """ This event will upgrade the player to his upper state, that state ends when the player dies. """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): super(UpgradePlayer, self).__init__(manager, period, params) self.params['player'].set_upgraded(True)
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): pass
[docs] def condition(self): return False
[docs]class DropPlayer(TimedEvent): """ This event is called to drop a player in game. """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): super(DropPlayer, self).__init__(manager, period, params) #logging.debug("inserting player in game") self.params['entity'].set_vector([0, 0]) self.params['entity'].set_walking_vector([0, 0]) self.params['entity'].set_percents(0) self.params['entity'].set_upgraded(False) entry = random.choice(self.params['world'].level.entrypoints) self.params['entity'].set_place(entry)
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): pass
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs] def delete(self): self.params['entity'].set_visible(True) self.params['entity'].set_present(True) self.params['entity'].entity_skin.change_animation( 'static', self.params['world']) self.event_manager.add_event( 'InvinciblePlayer', (None, self.params['gametime'] + 3), params = { 'player': self.params['entity'], 'world': self.params['world']})
[docs]class PlayerOut(TimedEvent): """ This event is called when a player is hitting the level border """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): super(PlayerOut, self).__init__(manager, period, params) self.params['entity'].set_lives(self.params['entity'].lives - 1) self.params['entity'].set_present(False) if self.params['entity'].lives > 0: self.event_manager.add_event( 'DropPlayer', (None, self.params['gametime'] + 1), params = self.params) self.coords = self.params['entity'].place
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): pass
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs]class PlayerStaticOnGround(TimedEvent): """ This event will set the player on static animation when he touch the ground """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): pass
[docs] def condition(self): """ Return false if the player is on ground so the event effect occure. """ return not self.params['entity'].on_ground
[docs] def delete(self): # don't apply if the animation was changed meanwhile if (self.params['entity'].entity_skin.current_animation in (self.params['anim_name'], self.params['anim_name']+'_upgraded')): if tuple(self.params['entity'].walking_vector) != (0, 0): anim = 'walk' else: anim = 'static' self.params['entity'].entity_skin.change_animation( anim+self.params['entity'].upgraded*'_upgraded', self.params['world'], params={'entity': self.params['entity']})
[docs]class Bounce(TimedEvent): """ This event will make the entity bounce when touching the ground """
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): if self.params['entity'].on_ground: self.params['entity'].vector[1] *= -1
[docs] def condition(self): return True
[docs] def delete(self): pass
[docs]class BlobSpecial(TimedEvent): """ A boomerang like attack with the eye of blob """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): super(BlobSpecial, self).__init__(manager, period, params) self.entity = self.params['entity'] self.entity_life = self.entity.percents try: = min([ (self.entity.dist(e), e) for e in self.params['world'].players if e is not self.entity and (([0] <[0]) ==\ self.entity.reversed)])[1] except ValueError: # no suitable target, abort self.done = True self.angle = 0
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): try: self.eye except AttributeError: self.eye = self.params['world'].add_item('blob-eye', upgraded=self.entity.upgraded, physics=False, reverse=self.entity.reversed) self.angle += deltatime * 2 * 3.14159 # enought precision here center = ( ([0] +[0]) / 2, ([1] +[1]) / 2) dx_ =[0] -[0] dy_ =[1] -[1] xx_ = - math.cos(self.angle) * dx_ / 2 + center[0] yy_ = math.sin(self.angle) * dy_ / 2 + center[1] + dy_ * ( self.angle / (2 * 3.14159) * (1 if self.angle < 3.14159 else -1)) self.eye.set_place((xx_, yy_))
[docs] def condition(self): if (self.angle <= (2 * 3.14159) and self.entity_life == self.entity.percents): #and # "special" in self.entity.entity_skin.current_animation return True else: return False
[docs] def delete(self): try: self.eye.set_lives(0) except AttributeError: # happens if there was no suitable target and event was aborted pass
[docs]class XeonCharge(TimedEvent): """ a charge attack for Xeon """ def __init__(self, manager, period, params=dict()): super(XeonCharge, self).__init__(manager, period, params) self.size = 0 self.entity = self.params['entity'] = self.params['world'] self.entity_life = self.entity.percents
[docs] def execute(self, deltatime): self.size += deltatime
[docs] def condition(self): if (self.size <= 1700 and self.entity_life == self.entity.percents and "special2" in self.entity.entity_skin.current_animation): return True else: return False
[docs] def delete(self): if self.entity_life == self.entity.percents: size = min(int(self.size / (1.7 / 7)), 6) "xeon-charge", upgraded=self.entity.upgraded, animation=str(size), reverse=self.entity.reversed, place=[[0] + (-100 if self.entity.reversed else 100),[1]], vector=[300, 0], bullet=True) # This list is used to cast an event by name. This is usefull since events are # configured in players/items xml files.
EVENT_NAMES = { 'BlobSpecial': BlobSpecial, 'BombExplode': BombExplode, 'Bounce': Bounce, 'DelItemEvent': DelItemEvent, 'DropPlayer': DropPlayer, 'DropRandomItem': DropRandomItem, 'Gost': Gost, 'HealEvent': HealEvent, 'InvinciblePlayer': InvinciblePlayer, 'ItemShower': ItemShower, 'LaunchBullet': LaunchBullet, 'PlayerOut': PlayerOut, 'PlayerStaticOnGround': PlayerStaticOnGround, 'ShieldUpdateEvent': ShieldUpdateEvent, 'ThrowBomb': ThrowBomb, 'ThrowFireBall': ThrowFireBall, 'ThrowMiniGost': ThrowMiniGost, 'UpgradePlayer': UpgradePlayer, 'VectorEvent': VectorEvent, 'XeonCharge': XeonCharge, }