Source code for usf.widgets.coverflow

# copyright 2010 Lucas Baudin <>                              #
#                                                                              #
# This file is part of Ultimate Smash Friends.                                 #
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# Ultimate Smash Friends is free software: you can redistribute it and/or      #
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A nice coverflow effect for images


#standard imports
import pygame
import os

#our module
from usf.widgets.widget import Widget

from usf.font import fonts
from usf import loaders
from usf import CONFIG

[docs]def get_text_transparent(name): text = loaders.text(name, fonts['mono']['10']).convert() #FIXME: the colorkey should be in a skin configuration file text.fill(pygame.color.Color("black")) text.set_colorkey(pygame.color.Color("black")) text.blit(loaders.text(name, fonts['mono']['22']), (0, 0)) return text
[docs]class Coverflow(Widget): """ The coverflow widget is used to display many image and choose one of the them. It should be big, about 800 * 275. This widget is animated and requires a lot of CPU. """ #the animation() function wil be called each frame #FIXME: the animation speed souldn't depend of the computer animation_speed = True def __init__(self, values): super(Coverflow, self).__init__() self.values = values for value in self.values: #adding (false) size for the image, there will be updated later value.append((None, None)) value.append(None) self.in_anim = False self.anim_state = "" self.advance = 0 #compatibility with the others widget only self.state = False self.set_size((800, 230)) # FIXME hardcoded value self.center_size = (self.sizex(195), self.sizey(120)) self.posy_center = self.sizey(60) self.foreground = loaders.image( os.path.join(CONFIG.system_path, "gui", CONFIG.general.THEME, "coverflow", "foreground.png"), scale=(CONFIG.general.WIDTH, CONFIG.general.HEIGHT))[0] self.frame = loaders.image( os.path.join(CONFIG.system_path, "gui", CONFIG.general.THEME, "coverflow", "frame.png"), scale=(self.sizex(137), self.sizey(86))) self.surface = pygame.surface.Surface((self.width, self.height)) self.index = 0 self.text = get_text_transparent(self.values[self.index][0]) self.previous() self.load_main_frame() for value in self.values: size = loaders.image(value[1])[1] if size[3] > size[2]: value[2] = ( self.frame[1][2] - self.sizex(25), size[3] * ( self.frame[1][2] - self.sizex(25)) / size[2]) else: value[2] = ( size[2] * ( self.frame[1][3] - self.sizex(25)) / size[3], self.frame[1][3] - self.sizey(25)) value[3] = (self.frame[1][2] / 2 - value[2][0]/2, self.frame[1][3] / 2 - value[2][1]/2) self.need_update = True self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draw the widget, the surface will be redrawed if the widget is animated. You can force redrawing by set need_update to True. """ x, y = (self.parentpos[0] + self.x, self.parentpos[1] + self.y) self.pos = self.width/2 - self.main_frame.get_width()/2 + self.advance self.draw_main() self.draw_right() self.draw_left() reflection = pygame.transform.flip(self.surface, False, True) reflection.set_colorkey(pygame.color.Color("black")) #reflection.set_alpha(20) self.screen.blit(reflection, (0, self.sizey(100))) self.screen.blit(self.text, ( x + self.width/2 - self.text.get_width()/4, y + self.sizey(30))) self.screen.blit(self.foreground, (0, 0)) self.need_update = False if self.in_anim: self.start_anim()
[docs] def draw_main(self): """ Draw the selected image, it is bigger than the other and in the center """ x, y = (self.parentpos[0] + self.x, self.parentpos[1] + self.y) #main frame self.screen.blit(self.main_frame, (x + self.pos, y + self.posy_center)) self.screen.blit(loaders.image( self.values[self.index][1], scale=self.center_image)[0], ( x + self.pos + self.center_image_indent[0], y + self.posy_center + self.center_image_indent[1])) self.pos += self.main_frame.get_width()
[docs] def draw_right(self): """ Draw three small image at right. """ x, y = (self.parentpos[0] + self.x, self.parentpos[1] + self.y) for i in range( self.index - len(self.values) + 1, self.index - len(self.values) + 4): self.screen.blit(self.frame[0], (x + self.pos, y + self.sizey(82))) self.screen.blit(loaders.image( self.values[i][1], scale=self.values[i][2])[0], ( x + self.pos + self.values[i][3][0], y + self.sizey(82) + self.values[i][3][1])) self.pos += self.frame[1][2]
[docs] def draw_left(self): """ Draw three small image at left. """ x, y = (self.parentpos[0] + self.x, self.parentpos[1] + self.y) #at left now self.pos = ( self.width/2 - self.main_frame.get_width()/2 - self.frame[1][2] * 3 + self.advance) for i in range(self.index - 3, self.index): self.screen.blit(self.frame[0], (x + self.pos, y + self.sizey(82))) self.screen.blit(loaders.image( self.values[i][1], scale=self.values[i][2])[0], ( x + self.pos + self.values[i][3][0], y + self.sizey(82) + self.values[i][3][1])) self.pos += self.frame[1][2]
[docs] def next(self): """ Select the next item. """ self.index = (self.index - 1) % len(self.values) self.text = get_text_transparent(self.values[self.index][0])
[docs] def previous(self): """ Select the previous item. """ self.index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.values) self.text = get_text_transparent(self.values[self.index][0])
[docs] def handle_mouse(self, event): """ This function handle all mouse events which are on the widget. """ if not self.in_anim: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x = event.dict['pos'][0] # y = event.dict['pos'][1] # if x > self.width/2 + self.frame[1][2] / 2: self.launch_anim(False) elif x < self.width/2 - self.frame[1][2] / 2: self.launch_anim(True) return False, False
[docs] def launch_anim(self, direction): """ start a translation animation in the direction """ #self.last_c_update = time.time() self.anim_state = "start" self.last_index = self.index self.in_anim = True self.sens = direction
[docs] def animation(self): """ update the animation """ if self.in_anim: if self.anim_state == "start" or self.anim_state == "slide": if self.center_size[0] - self.sizex(10) > self.sizey(137): w = self.center_size[0] - self.sizex(30) h = self.center_size[1] * w / self.center_size[0] #self.advance += self.sizex(5) self.text.set_alpha(self.text.get_alpha() - 50) else: self.anim_state = "slide" self.text.set_alpha(0) w = self.sizey(137) h = self.sizey(86) self.posy_center = self.sizey(125) - h/2 self.center_size = (w, h) self.load_main_frame() if self.sens: if self.advance + 40 < self.frame[1][2]: self.advance += 40 else: self.advance = self.frame[1][2] self.anim_state = "change" else: if self.advance - 40 > - (self.frame[1][2]): self.advance -= 40 else: self.advance = - self.frame[1][2] self.anim_state = "change" elif self.anim_state == "change": if self.sens: else: self.previous() self.text.set_alpha(0) self.advance = 0 self.anim_state = "end" elif self.anim_state == "end": if self.center_size[0] < self.sizey(195): w = self.center_size[0] + self.sizex(30) h = self.center_size[1] * w / self.center_size[0] #self.advance -= self.sizex(5) self.text.set_alpha(self.text.get_alpha() + 50) else: w = self.sizex(195) h = self.sizey(120) self.text.set_alpha(250) #self.in_anim = False self.anim_state = "" self.advance = 0 self.posy_center = self.sizey(125) - h/2 self.center_size = (w, h) self.load_main_frame() self.need_update = True elif self.anim_state == "": self.in_anim = False self.need_update = True
[docs] def handle_keys(self, event): """ manage keyboard input events """ if ( event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_DOWN or event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_UP) and not self.state: self.state = True return False, self if event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_RETURN: return self, self if not self.in_anim and (event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_LEFT or event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_RIGHT): if event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_LEFT: self.launch_anim(True) if event.dict["key"] == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.launch_anim(False) return self, self self.state = False return False, False
[docs] def load_main_frame(self): """ #FIXME get xapantu to document a little! :P """ self.main_frame = loaders.image(os.path.join(CONFIG.system_path, "gui", CONFIG.general.THEME, "coverflow", "frame.png"), scale=self.center_size)[0] img = loaders.image(self.values[self.index][1])[0] #keep the image ratio if img.get_height() > img.get_width(): self.center_image = ( self.main_frame.get_width() - self.sizex(25), img.get_height() * (self.main_frame.get_width() - self.sizex(25)) / img.get_width()) else: self.center_image = ( img.get_width() * ( self.main_frame.get_height() - self.sizey(25)) / img.get_height(), self.main_frame.get_height()- self.sizey(25)) self.center_image_indent = ( self.main_frame.get_width()/2 - self.center_image[0]/2, self.main_frame.get_height()/2 - self.center_image[1]/2)
[docs] def get_value(self): """ return the currently selected value """ return self.values[self.index][0]
[docs] def sizex(self, x): """ This method is used to get the real size of an element. All size in the code above are for a widget size = 800*275. So, if the size is different, this function modify it. This function is used for the x axis. Use sizey for y axis. """ return x * self.width / 800
[docs] def sizey(self, y): """ Same as sizex, but for the y axis. """ return y * self.height / 275